Sunday 5 January 2014


I love looking back on memories. You could say I'm a big culprit of nostalgia. ;) 2013 in three words would be: transitioning, challenging, and peaceful. Graduating from high school, beginning University, getting my braces off and chopping off 18 inches of hair were big transitions in my life. There were stretching, more challenging times where all I wanted to do was cry, and cry I did. But amidst any tears, there were peaceful times. From sitting in the garden with my family, going to the mountains with my Grad class, and baking treats in my faithful kitchen, to learning to drive (okay not so peaceful) and a healthy dose of yoga.
Okay, nostalgic essay finished! I'll be short and sweet now. 2014, thanks for coming! I think you and I will be dear friends. :)
Much love, Vivi

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